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Alpine Treasures 37

VX281 - Titanite - 1100€
Kleinelend valley, Ankogelgruppe, Malta, Spittal an der Drau, Carinthia, Austria
Size: 6.5 x 3.3 x 2.1 cm
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A lovely group of green titanite on a natural piece of rock matrix. The larger main crystal has a size of 1.7 cm and is, like the other crystals too, undamaged. All crystals are transparent, with a frosted surface and nice apple green color.

RV642 - Quartz Faden - 825€
Cavradi, Val Curnera, Tujetsch, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 9 x 6.1 x 3 cm
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A rare exemplar of faden-quartz from the Cavradi of excellent quality!
The piece is a complete floater and undamaged. Transparent high quality quartz shot through by a white "thread". Due to the bright luster of the quartz you can easily grasp the complex crystal architecture. Near the base you can see some residual matrix as well as hematite inclusions. Apart from that this is all just perfectly crystallized quartz!

WJ555 - Smoky Quartz - 2900€
Feldschijen glacier, Göscheneralp, Göschenen Valley, Uri, Switzerland
Size: 10.6 x 8.1 x 7 cm
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Transparency and luster of this stunning smoky quartz are absolutely phenomenal! When you turn this piece around in your hand you will unleash a spectacle of warm brown color and bright reflecting light! All crystals are completely undamaged. There are some contacts on the backside but no abrasions or the like. An outstanding smoky quartz specimen of uttermost beauty!

JW280 - Pericline with Quartz - 1850€
Grieswies, Rauris, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 16.5 x 10.2 x 6.5 cm
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A very vibrant and natural composition of pericline and quartz in superb condition! Colorless transparent and lustrousquartz crystals are wildly arranged between porcelain colored pericline. At closer inspection you will even find some rutile needles in between which is a nice and rare feature! One quartz at the bottom right is broken but which is hardly discernible. The rest is just wonderful in it's highly attractive, unharmed and natural landscape aesthetics!

KX654 - Hematite with Rutile - 350€
Cavradi, Val Curnera, Tujetsch, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 3.4 x 2.4 x 2 cm
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One tabular, mirror-like hematite of irregular shape is set on a small shard of naturally grown matrix. The heamtite has some small fire-red rutile crystal on it which is characteristic only for the Cavradi gorge. It is sharp, highly lustrous and all around flawless. Only some very small and thin side-crystals at the base are damaged but the main crystal is in perfect shape!

NH344 - Quartz - 2000€
Maderanertal, Uri, Switzerland
Size: 16.4 x 6.6 x 3.1 cm
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Yes, those quartz crystals are utterly amazing, with striking clarity and luster and a lovely orange iron oxide sheen. But what I like most about this specimen is the unusual overall aesthetics. A natural shard of rock matrix is covered in quartz micro-crystals as well as a single white adularia that adds much more to the aesthetics than it's size would indicate. Even the backside is completely crystallized and natural. A true piece of natural art!

QL442 - Quartz - 2400€
Grieswies, Rauris, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 14 x 5 x 3.7 cm
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What looks fantastic on the pictures is even better in person: Brilliant wet-look luster and water-clear transparency! The 14 cm long crystal is in fantastic condition right up to the pointed termination. Its backside is overgrown with a lovely mix of adularia, chlorite, limonite and some quartz crystals, the largest of which is 5 cm long and an attractive side-crystal.

PI100 - Wulfenite - 450€
Mežica (Miess), Slovenia
Size: 10.6 x 8.6 x 5.1 cm
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This specimen features nice orange wulfenite crystals richly covering a piece of rock matrix. While the larger crystals up to 1.1 cm on edge are assembled at the top of the specimen, smaller crystals are grown all over the piece. Even at the backside and the bottom, which has only a thin edge that is somewhat scuffed but all the rest is overgrown with wulfenite crystals. The crystals are nicely lustrous and translucent and in best condition.

BG596 - Schorl - 270€
Cavradi, Val Curnera, Tujetsch, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 3.7 x 2.9 x 1.7 cm
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A highly aesthetic structure of black schorl on rock matrix. The schorl is grown as a compact thicket consisting of countless thin crystals that show dark red color when exposed to direct light.

FO751 - Titanite - 1900€
Bruchgraben, Hollersbach valley, Hohe Tauern, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 10.4 x 6.5 x 2.1 cm
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In the early 1990s this locale yielded a number of significant titanite specimens of beautiful quality. Since then however no new material is appearing and whatever is on the market is highly coveted.
This is a matrix specimen with a rich number of lustrous green titanites up to about 1 cm in size. The crystals are distributed over a surface of sparkling white adularia micro-crystals, accompanied by a single 7 mm adularia in the center. The specimen has nice classic aesthetics, sharp crystals and no damage anywhere!

WR813 - Fluorite - 2900€
Weißeck, Lungau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 10.6 x 10.4 x 6.3 cm
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This whole fluorite composition is amazingly three-dimensional and crystallized all around! Unlike many specimens from the locale this one is highly lustrous which is as rare as it is beautiful! The complexly interlocked crystals are all in very best condition. Even the bottom is crystallized.
The piece comes with collection lables of Dr. Reinhard Dallinger, Karl Podpeskar as well as from Ingeborg and Anton Watzl sen.