The single ruby on this specimen has a visible size of 1.6 cm and is absolutely brilliant! It is in very best condition and highly lustrous on all sides. The color is a lovely pink with a whitish zone in the center. The ruby is set on a exceptionally well crystallized white calcite matrix. A splendid ruby specimen of highest appeal!
This excellent phantom quartz specimen from the new finds in Hyderabad shows particularly intensive colors!
The purple and red hematite inclusions are easily visible through the transparent quartz and some iron oxide coating around the base adds some orange color too. Very attractive!
Unlike many specimens from this find which are damaged all over, this one is in excellent condition with only very minimal abrasions here and there. It is an outstanding piece from a spectacular find!
A lovely little anatase cystal on a contrasting white matrix! The aesthetic is quite striking, the anatase is all perfect and sharp with a maximum diamter of 0.9 cm. A perfect little thumbnail specimen from the Zard Mountains!
Brilliant white calcite scalenohedrons are covered in sparkling golden chalcopyrite on this highly aesthetic specimen from the iron-copper deposit at Fengjiashan Mine! The largest calcite is a 5.3 cm doubly terminated crystal, prominently set at the very top. It is supportet by a complex aggregate of smaller crystals, all covered by brilliant chalcopyrite. The overall condition is very well with only some contacts around the base. Absolutely gorgeous specimen of vibrant character!