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International Minerals 43

AE639 - Silver - 2600€
Calumet Mine, Calumet, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA
Size: 6.7 x 5.3 x 2.7 cm
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This is classic silver on a heavy calcite/silver matrix from the copper mining at Calumet. The silver “leaf” stands out around 4 cm upon the matrix and shows a very shiny broad surface with a nice sparkly luster. There is nothing damaged or otherwise impaired here. The whole specimen is utterly appealing for its classy elegance!
Ex Andre Labeye collection in Lyon, France.

TS72 - Tourmaline - 9500€
Cruzeiro mine, São José da Safira, Doce valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 10.8 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm
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It's that kind of intensive colors packed in a glassy elongated crystal that everyone is looking for in high class tourmalines! The color ranges from intensive grass green over a blueish white zone up to maximum cherry red towards the termination. Absolutely gorgeous in person! The interior is glassy from bottom to top with only very little internal cracks. Aside from one repair in the middle section the crystal is complete and flawless! Size, color and quality make this a fantastic tourmaline specimen of great visual impact!

ZO869 - Brucite - 1350€
Killa Saifullah District, Balochistan, Pakistan
Size: 10 x 7 x 4.1 cm
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This brucite is very distinctive through its three-dimensional architecture that combines brucite of differing color and form with small pieces of rock matrix for additional contrast. The best crystals have the intensive lemon yellow color in botryoidal lustrous aggregates which is simply beautiful. This is a complete floater specimen in very best condition and lovely appearance!

PE241 - Amethyst - 5000€
Guerrero, Mexico
Size: 9.9 x 8.8 x 4.7 cm
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This amethyst shows superb aesthetics and very intensive dark purple color! I totally love the “V”-shaped composition of brilliant amethyst crystals on a white, quartz covered matrix! The up to 8.5 cm long crystals are sharp, gemmy, highly lustrous and largely flawless with only very minimal abrasions. The intensive purple color transitions into milky white towards the pointed terminations as is typical for the region in Mexico and very attractive in person!

FR377 - Schorl - 1100€
Erongo Mts., Karibib Constituency, Namibia
Size: 10.5 x 9.3 x 7.2 cm
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While schorl from Erongo is not exactly rare, this remarkable piece strikes with dominant size and a beautiful sweeping aesthetics! It has thick crystals that are arranged like the fingers on a hand which looks totally unique! The schorl crystals are all flawless and show beautiful stepped growth. The surface is highly lustrous, sharp and partially covered in white feldspar which adds a very nice contrast! On the backside is one broken crystal but which is not visible from the front. It is an outstanding specimen for its size, quality and aesthetics!

IM440 - Anatase and Quartz - 550€
Zard Mts., Kharan, Balochistan, Pakistan
Size: 8.8 x 7.4 x 4.5 cm
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The single anatase crystal on this natural matrix specimen is 1.5 cm long and has a characteristic sharp bi-pyramidal shape. It has a small chip at the lower side, the upper termination as well as the rest of the crystal is perfect. The anatase is set on a mix of white matrix and quartz, some of which has chlorite inclusions. The matrix is crystallized all over and has some smaller anatase on the bottom as well. A very nice specimen if you have an eye for the more naturally developed specimens!

OE814 - Apatite - 2750€
Kunar, Afghanistan
Size: 6.9 x 4.9 x 3 cm
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The two apatite crystals on this matrix specimen show fresh open lavender color which is absolutely lovely on the white feldspar matrix. Both crystals are in perfect condition. Some patches are irregularly grown but not damaged. The crystal size is up to 1.8 cm in length and 1.5 cm in diameter which is certainly large enough to make this a nice small cabinet rock with striking color!

WS395 - Quartz - 490€
Boekenhoutshoek area, Nkangala District, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Size: 6.5 x 4.5 x 4.1 cm
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Even rarer than the fine purple cactus-quartz from Boekenhoutshoek is the yellow variant which makes for a stunning contrast! These crystals are highly lustrous, sharp and translucent to transparent. The bright color is caused by inclusions of hematite and goethite and is really intensive here! The piece is from a collection in South Africa where it has been for over 20 years. Quality and condition are totally outstanding!

FU196 - Olivenite - 890€
Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Mun. de Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico
Size: 6.3 x 3.9 x 2.2 cm
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A single spray of sharp and highly lustrous olivenite crystals is set on a nice brown limonitic matrix. The crystals are gemmy and show the characteristic olive green color at direct backlight illumination. The rare copper arsenate is a relatively new addition to the list of minerals from the Milpillas mine and has not been reported before 2016. This specimen is from a 2020 find and was in the collection of copper mineral collector Thomas Weiland.

VK888 - Azurite - 1300€
Morenci Mine, Copper Mountain District, Shannon Mts, Greenlee Co., Arizona, USA
Size: 7.8 x 7.5 x 4.3 cm
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Beautiful interlocked deep blue rosettes of azurite are grown on a contrasting light green malachite matrix which looks rather typical for the locale. The azurite shows very fine blades, it is in best condition and has nice (not exceptional but still very good) luster. A beautiful specimen overall that has very distinct aesthetics!
ex Martin Zinn collection.

RD138 - Emerald - 3200€
Nova Era, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 2.8 x 2.2 x 1.6 cm
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This is a very nice thumbnail specimen of emerald on matrix from Nova Era. The locale is not quite known for specimen quality material as most finds only produced big unappealing chunks. This specimen however is an exception!
The 1.7 cm long and 1.5 cm thick single emerald crystal is set on a characteristic black biotite-graphite schist matrix which provides a wonderful contrast to the crystal. The emerald itself is gemmy and intensively green and shows a well defined hexagonal prism. The termination is has two intergrown smaller emeralds stacked upon it, all of which is well crystallized and undamaged. It’s for sure an exceptional piece from Nova Era!

FJ512 - Tourmaline - 2450€
Aricanga mine, São José da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size: 5.9 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm
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This single crystal specimen is from a newer find at the Aricanga mine. It shows superb gemmy red color from bottom to top with a thin greenish cap at the flat termination! The bottom is intergrown with a white piece of feldspar which adds a nice touch to the otherwise straight specimen. There is one repair near the base but the rest is all in perfect condition. The bottom is all crystallized and undamaged.